At noon on January 20, 2025, America turned a page in the almanac of its story.
Is it time to look at what is going on under the covers, behind the scenes, in the darkness of the subconscious?
We think we can make an attempt to do this in several ways.
First, by taking a look at the theories on women and the Earth as offered by the Center for Women, the Earth, the Divine (C:WED), founded by Eleanor Rae, 1991 to the present.
C:WED, with its newsletter "Weaving the Connections" and through lectures, retreats, and participation in worldwide conferences, has stated as its founding mission:
— the immediate purpose of C:WED is educational, while the ultimate goal is the healing of creation.
C:WED focuses on Women, the Earth, and the Divine with an eco-feminist spirituality—meaning that it examines how the religions of the world are complicit in the patriarchal treatment of women and the Earth.
Second, by also looking at an organization that was contemporaneous to C:WED. It was called Christian Women: Quo Vadis? and it was founded by me, Anne Andersson, 1983-1992.
The Quo Vadis? founding statement was:
Christian Women: Quo Vadis?
Where are we going?
Toward unity of all women & men.
Toward God.
Quo Vadis?, with its newsletter "Aqueduct" and through retreats and talks, focused mostly on women and patriarchy and the part that religions, particularly the Christian, have played in the way society has viewed and treated women.
Our aim for the next few blogposts is to combine the overlapping, and distinctive, findings of these two organizations to better understand the position of women and the Earth in a patriarchal society.
Then we shall add in a dollop of the contemporary situation to create a rich and insightful blend of Wisdom.
Keep your eye on the big picture!
Remain vigilant!
Be well-informed!
Search out and consult creditable sources!
...To be continued
In several upcoming blogposts, we plan to examine two movements as they exist—and have existed— in a patriarchal world: the Women’s Movement and the Environmental Movement. They actually are very closely connected.